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How Do You Recover From A Bad Parenting Day? – The Paulk Pack

How Do You Recover From A Bad Parenting Day?


Yesterday was quite possibly the worst day we have had since becoming parents. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are MANY more to come. I’m sure each of my “Worst Parenting Days” will be the result of different ages and stages, but today’s was brought to you by bad attitudes, no naps and a general case of stir-craziness.

It was the perfect storm…Owen did NOT nap. We had visitors (the Covert’s and Scott’s) that arrived at nap time and he just refused to get any sleep. I think he has FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)—LOL. Let me just say, I cannot remember a day where he has missed a nap…EVER. Mix that in with a side of new kids wanting to play with his toys, rainy cooped-inside weather, and you have a nice little recipe for disaster. Basically he was a loose cannon the entire time we had our guests and once they left, he just turned all of his frustrations on his already whiney sister (did I mention that Little Miss also skipped her afternoon nap?). Basically the last two hours of the day were misery—screaming, hitting, tantrums, meltdowns. Thank God my husband is such a patient parent because I fell into the meltdown category by bedtime.

I’m sure all parents have been in my shoes. I can’t remember how many times I lost my cool yesterday, but I didn’t go to sleep feeling like an all-star parent. So how do you recover from a day where you yelled and spanked and you lost your cool? How do you get back to feeling like a decent parent?

In my case, we ended up having a great day today. It helped me build up a bit more of my confidence in the parent department. We ended the night on a positive note and early enough that I’m able to just spend some time vegging out and getting prepared for my Monday morning madness.

So, parents, please share with me how you recover from a “Bad Parenting Day.”