Owen’s due date of Friday, September 27th came…and went. Of course, I was ok waiting a short while longer for him to make his debut, but it certainly was uncomfortable. On the night of his due date, Charles and I, along with our parents and my Aunt Valerie, went to Provino’s (my very favorite Italian restaurant) to partake in their famous “Eggplant Parmesan.” It has been said that eating the eggplant will cause you to go into labor within the next 24 hours. Regardless, it was a great night out and we had a blast.
On the way home, we stopped at the new Krispy Kreme in Roswell to grab some donuts and also took a dozen to our neighbors Kristin and Rob. When we got home, we thought it would be really funny to leave them on their front porch, ring the door bell and run. Charles crept down to their house and I waited by the pool. As soon as he rang the bell, their dogs started barking and we ran as fast as possible back into the house. It was quite hilarious watching them from our windows. They thought we were hiding in the shrubs and tried to find us, but we beat them!
I went to bed that night tell Charles that I thought I overdid it with my sprinting and that I was having a little cramping in my lower belly. I didn’t think too much of it since I had had random cramps throughout my pregnancy.
The next morning, we got up early and had lots of errands to run. Our laundry room was still under construction (and still is!) so we had to get some items for that room as well as return the leftover flooring tiles we had purchased.. We needed to get some supplies for the boathouse and I also needed to grab a few more items for my hospital bag, so we stopped in at Target as well. The next stop was the AJRA boathouse to drop off supplies and Charles had to repair a few things while we were there. Throughout the morning, I kept having cramps that would come and go, but I wasn’t sure it these were actually contractions or not. While we were making our way through the list of errands, I decided to start tracking the frequency of the cramps/contractions. As a few hours passed, they were getting more and more frequent. I told Charles that I thought this was really it!
We stopped and grabbed lunch to take home and by this point, the contractions were enough to stop me in my tracks. I was moving slowly but had SO many things at home I needed to do before we left. Being without a washer and dryer for the past week led to a pile of laundry in my baskets and I quickly started the wash as soon as we got home. Charles went down and took care of all the animals in the barn and then spent some time playing with our pups. He helped me vacuum the house and we started getting our bags finally packed up and ready. My most laughable moment, looking back, was the insistence of sealing the new tile floors in our laundry room…at least under where the washer and dryer were going to go. So yes, I crawled around on the floor sealing tile as well. It was the nesting instincts in full force!
Around 6 PM Saturday, Charles called Dr. Marshall and let her know we were having regular contractions and she told us to head in to the hospital. We called our parents and let them know we would be on our way to the hospital shortly. We both showered and had a light dinner. Our bags were packed and we kissed the pups good bye. We pulled out of our driveway at 8 PM and my contractions were consistently 4 minutes apart the entire ride there.
We got to the hospital and I was brimming with anxiety. I was scared, excited and in pain! As we checked into the hospital, we filled out paperwork and got assigned to a labor and delivery room. Once in our room, I was hooked up to monitors and waited to see the doctor. Once we were on the monitors, my contractions were not as consistent and became much less frequent. This was really discouraging. The doctor came in and let me know I was not dilated and that this was probably just “early labor.” She gave us two options:
- Go home and wait until my contractions became more frequent (really more frequent that 4 minutes apart?!), my water broke, etc. She said I could possibly be back in 2 hours or 2 days…seeing as we live about 35 minutes from the hospital with no traffic, this wasn’t my top choice.
- The next option was for the doctor to give me some medicine to relax and sleep overnight at the hospital and recheck me in the morning to see if I had made any progress.