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Our Sweet Golden Girls – The Paulk Pack

Our Sweet Golden Girls

The sweet pups, Yogi and Boo Boo, came to us after being rescued from someone’s basement in June of this year. They were so incredibly thin and weak when they arrived that we weren’t sure that they would make it. Before even coming to PPCA, we took them to our local groomer because they were caked in urine and feces. She soaked them and worked on them for hours.

We knew that both girls needed a lot of medical care to pull through, so we started a fundraising page. I was NOT prepared for the outpouring of love and support that we received. In just a few days, we had raised thousands of dollars. People from all of the world were sending well wishes for the girls. Call came in from Germany, New Jersey, Alaska and Arizona. It was truly the most amazing animal rescue I have ever been a part of.

Several days went by, the girls were starting to eat more and seemed to be gaining strength. We went to the vet and they weighed a mere 32 and 38 lbs. Yogi (the white face) was about 11 years old and Boo Boo (red face) was about 10 years old. Getting these beauties back to good health was going to be a huge challenge, but finding the perfect home where these two can live out their “golden” years was going to be even harder.
In steps Adopt A Golden-Atlanta! They had heard about Yogi and Boo Boo on social media and emails about their fundraising. They offered to help us find these girls their perfect match. We went to many adoption events, but sadly always seemed to come home with no interest. Everyone was deterred by the girls age, although meeting them, they acted just like puppies!
On Saturday November 3rd the girls were at yet another adoption day. Just like the previous events, we were not expecting much…that is, until Mike and Kellie came along. They had lost their sweet dog Sophie earlier that year and came to the adoption event “just to look around.” Well, they didn’t look too long before Yogi and Boo Boo snatched their hearts and didn’t let go.
Later that week, we went to their house to do the home check, and the following weekend, they official adopted the girls. Mike is a police officer who works nights and Kellie is a nurse who works during the day…these girls would always have someone home to snuggle with! It was so bittersweet saying goodbye to them, but it really was a match made in heaven! 
 Yogi and Boo Boo in June 2012
 At their new home!