July Wrap Up
Here are a few of my favs from July! Little man started daycare a few days per week this month and he really seems to be getting the hang of it. Of course, it was hard for me at first, but it’s enabled me to actually get work done for a few hours three days per…
Weekend Wrap Up
Well, yesterday was my birthday. My THIRTIETH birthday. Something about writing that really stings and I can’t figure out why. I spent a majority of my weekend pouting and feeling bad for myself. It wasn’t because I was necessarily sad about turning thirty, but I think more it was because I was in the midst…
Meal Time With Auggie
Helping Around The House
June Wrap Up
Hello summer! It’s been a busy month around here. Between swim classes (another post!), Charles’ crazy work schedule and a big (for us!) road trip, I’m exhausted! I will be glad to have a month with no travel on the schedule and some time to catch up on all the house projects that are piling…