December Wrap Up
It’s been a busy and wonderful month. I could post hundreds (I get in trouble for always having my camera out) of pictures but here are a few of my favorite from this month.
Christmas Is In The Air!
And I couldn’t be more excited!
Filling the Freezer
Well it was time to make a few more freezer meals. Besides the fact that we had blown through most of ours in the past couple months, I have so many friends with new babies arriving soon and I want to have plenty of things to take to them! My Mom is scheduled to have…
Our Winter Mice
Each winter we get one field mouse in the house. The first winter, this was hard for me to accept. I was screaming, on furniture, about to faint, yada yada. Ok, so I still have a tendency to scream, but we are MUCH better prepared. So our winter mouse decided to visit early this year.…
BFFs In-The-Making
It never fails…people got on the topic of dogs and babies, which leads to the question of “What kind of dogs do you have?” When the words “pit bull” or “German Shepherd” come out of my mouth, would would think that they just saw the Eiffel Tower collapse in front of their…