Weekend Wrap Up
This weekend was pretty fun. The boys had a boys trip to Florida for Charles’ grandmother’s 99th birthday party while Charlotte and I got in some bonding time here and visited with several friends. In preparation for Owen’s first flight, I packed him up a backpack of all new goodies and activities to entertain…
Weekend Wrap Up
Well, this was supposed to be a “catch up on life weekend” where I actually, in my mind, had scheduled a day of doing nothing. My type A personality will not allow me to just “do nothing” unless I have scheduled it like that. There’s nothing I can do about that so it is what…
Memorial Day Poolside
We got together with a few friends for Memorial Day at our pool and got to hang out with sweet little Macallan!
Mother’s Day Brunch
We had a great Mother’s Day here at the farm! In addition to all the family, we had some friends join in as well. It was so much fun. We had a nice brunch and chocolate fondue to top it off. After lunch, we all enjoyed some time outside and Owen even got crazy…
Cole Turns 1!
We enjoyed Cole’s 1st birthday party this past weekend. It is always great to see high school friends. 🙂