Global Pet Expo
One of the goals we set for PPCA this year is to finally get retail in our lobby. One day, I got this crazy idea and turned to Kristin and said, “Wanna go to the to Global Pet Expo?” Of course that was just the beginning of our planning. We were SO excited but wanted…
Linville, NC trip with the Hornsby’s
We took a brief trip to Linville, NC with the Hornsby’s. It was a great little getaway after the madness of the holidays wrapped up with work. It was a surprise for Charles since we don’t get away from the farm too often. We had fun relaxing, going tubing, and just hanging out with our…
St. George Island
We left for SGI on September 10th and got to enjoy our time at the beach for a WHOLE week! This has become somewhat of an annual trip for anyone who was at the wedding. Every year, we schedule a fun photo shoot with our wedding photographer, Kim Stone. She is fabulous and we always…