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FROZEN – The Paulk Pack


We are having record low temps here in Atlanta and it is still snowing. Although it isn’t sticking to the ground, it has been coming down most of the day. Before heading to the farm, I stopped by the Shaker Hollow house to shower. I just didn’t know what to expect when we turned the shower on at the new house…

Charles and I both got to the farm early to start moving in and getting things settled. We left the dogs at Shaker Hollow for the day since we would be moving things around and didn’t want them in the way. I figured it would be less stressful if we picked them up at the end of the day for a trip out.

Unpacking didn’t go as fast as I had hoped, mainly because the thermostat inside our house read somewhere in the 40’s. I had so many layers on but it just didn’t seem to help. Somewhere along the way, I lost my gloves…and I still haven’t found them.

Before bed, I ended up volunteering to be the first one to try out the shower. I was so cold I figured the hot water would be nice to dethaw before I went to sleep. So here goes nothing…turn on the shower while Charles goes down into the dark basement with a flashlight. We had suspected there was some sort of leak so he was going to watch it while I ran the water. Well yes, there was a small leak, but since it was just going into our empty, gutter basement, it was just going to have to leak. Thank goodness the plumber is scheduled for Tuesday.

It only took about 10 minutes for the hot water to reach the shower and once I was in there, well, it didn’t want to come back out. It was SO cold in our house. I had 2 space heaters and the hair dryer running to keep the bathroom warm. So what started out as a challenge, has become routine now. Shower (which takes a lifetime in itself because the water pressure is so low), dry off as fast as possible, pile on 2-4 layers and jump into bed under 5 blankets and a heated mattress pad. Brrrrrr….

So the dogs are tucked into the laundry room with a nice little heater (Chloe is wearing her snuggie) and it is time to get some sleep.
