Swim Class
Swimming safety is important around here since we have a pool and a pond. We signed Owen up to begin classes at six months old. They teach the babies to learn to flip over and float, simulating the experience as if they feel headfirst into a body of water. Here are some pictures and his…
Master of the Step
Well, that didn’t take long. He climbed right up that step with a little motivation of a dog food can.
Landon’s Dedication Ceremony
My adorable Godson Landon celebrated his dedication ceremony today. The weather was absolutely gorgeous out for some pictures before the service. Unfortunately we had a big PPCA event that I had to attend that started at noon so we didn’t get to enjoy the service or lunch afterwards. Before the service, we got to take…
Pete and Re-Pete
They love their evening swim time! My husband is the *best* Dad ever.
May Wrap Up
Well our little man is crawling! He’s been quite a mobile little guy and is starting to get into EVERYTHING! Here are a few of my favorites from May.