We all got PLENTY of warning for the snowstorm that came in Sunday night. A few hours before the snow began falling, we were outside with my parents who stopped by to say hello, and two dogs stopped by. One was a shepherd mix who was overly friendly, and the other was a terrier, who was too afraid to come near us. After some maneuvering, we eventually corralled him in the fences and got a leash on him. Since he was the smaller of the two, I put him in the car and drove to a few of the neighboring houses to see if any one recognized him.
Tuesday came and went…still sitting around doing nothing. There was so much ice on the road it was impossible to get out. FINALLY Wednesday got here and the vet that was listed on the Shepherd’s tag opened at noon. I called and got the owner’s contact info, called them, and the pups got picked up that afternoon. It turns out they live a few miles away and aren’t even owned by the same people. The dogs we had been called Rosie and Newton (for Cam, of course) were actually Lady and Dodger, and they were next door neighbors who had recently begun taking “field trips” together. Their owners thanked us with some honey from their bee hives and fresh eggs from their hens. So Lady and Dodger are now safe and sound at their OWN house! At least I know where they live for the next time they show up.