How Do You Recover From A Bad Parenting Day?
Yesterday was quite possibly the worst day we have had since becoming parents. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are MANY more to come. I’m sure each of my “Worst Parenting Days” will be the result of different ages and stages, but today’s was brought to you by bad attitudes, no naps and…
The Tooth Fairy Delivered…
Charlotte’s FIRST tooth! A week before she turns 10 months and she chomped down on my finger this morning with her first teeny tooth. I guess this would explain why she has been such a fuss bucket the past few days. I gave her some Tylenol tonight in hopes that she can get some sleep…
Latest Additions To The Farm
Although we had agreed to no more animals, the opportunity to rescue two little girls came along. I blame Charles through and through for these newbies-HAH! Originally named Gillette and Magic Misty Dawn, we named our two newest mini horses Peach and Pearl—and they are just the sweetest! I cannot believe how incredibly friendly this…
December Wrap Up
How can this be? How is 2015 already over?! Christmas happened so quickly. We hosted again this year and had a blast. When we did our living room renovations early this year, my main thought was how exciting it would be to have the dang pole out of the middle of our living room for…